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Aktuális állások a HiPP Kft.-nél

A gyermekek egészséges táplálásához generációk óta gyártunk kiváló minőségű bébiételeket. Ezt következetesen, az ökológiai termesztés területén úttörő tevékenységünkkel végezzük. Termékeink minőségével és környezetünk védelmével támogatjuk a holnap generációit.


Budapesti irodánkba munkatársakat keresünk!

The Hungarian subsidiary consists of a production site in Hanságliget and a local sales and marketing organization in Budapest for which we are looking for an

Marketing Assistant (Product Management)

who is committed to keep the world for the new generations loveable and liveable.

Objective of the job:

The Marketing Assistant (product management) helps to oversee the product lifecycle and supports marketing and sales team by performing tasks related to product management and market research.

Main tasks:

  • Market Research
    Regular reporting of market data, standard analysis as well as ad hoc deep dive in the data upon request
  • Assortment Management
    Participates in assortment review projects by creating reports and analysis.
    Takes part in assortment changes including delistings and launches such as:
    - collecting data and information of the planned new products
    - preparing for NPD introduction – translating and development of labels
    - informing co-departments about assortment changes
    Follows all product changes and informs all relevant stakeholders.
    Communicates product information to internal stakeholders.
    Manages stock of advertising materials, giveaways.

    Works together with international product management on product packaging and product development – including label translations, label design, manages the development and process of stickers for import products, first point of contact of sticker designer, supplier and internal logistic and quality collegues.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Affairs
    Knows and understands the specific regulatory requirements – with the help of the internal expert.
    Starts and follows up the registration processes of new product launches and product changes.
  • Administration
    organises and filing office documents and files;
    prepares statements and statistics;
    prepares presentations;
    carries out tasks accurately and punctually on time
  • Office Management
    Takes part in office management related tasks by overseeing and supervising (and substitutes if needed) the work of the intern collegue.

Who we are looking for:

  • Education
    Bsc in relevant field Upper-Intermediate English
    Some years of proven work experience.
  • Most important skills
    Interest in the field of Marketing
    Analytical and critical thinking
    Structured working
    Data collection and visualization 
    Problem solving
    Interpersonal skills
    Strong communication skills
    Ability to work in team and build strong relationships with agencies and colleagues from a variety of backgrounds, across a number of disciplines, and possibly internationally
    Not shy for hands-on mentality
    High attention to details
    Ability to multi manage different projects & work well under pressure
    Flexibility in way of working when required
    Willingness to try new things, taking the learnings forward
  • Nice to have
    Experience within food or baby
    Experience of scientific or nutritional products
    Experience working in a business with a European HQ
    German speaking

What we can offer:

  • A challenging, demanding and varied job in a Germany based international but family owned company
  • A pleasant working environment
  • A human centric company culture, where work-life balanced is valued
  • A supporting, small but strong team
  • Strong commitment for sustainability and healthy living
  • Competitive salary
  • Appreciation of loyalty and commitment

Are you interested in the position? Then please send your application to Hipp Hungary Kft, Human Resources: until the 20th of July 2024.
By forwarding the application the applicant agrees and consents with Hipp Hungary Kft's privacy satement.

The Hungarian subsidiary consists of a production site in Hanságliget and a local sales and marketing organization in Budapest for which we are looking for a

Sales Assistant

who is committed to keep the world for the new generations loveable and liveable.

Objective of the job:

The Sales assistant is supporting Hipp’s Sales Manager in fulfilling daily tasks related to trade partners and sales representatives. The sales assistant works closely together with a colleague in a similar position.

Main Tasks:

  • Management of promotions: preparing and sending promotional offers to partners, checking, recording and organising confirmations
  • Portfolio management: listing and distribution administration of new, discontinued and exchanged products to partners and updating internal information sources
  • Handling of the administrative reconciliation and control needs of partners
  • Checking and correcting information on Hipp products in online web shops
  • In-house coordination and administration of normal and promotional prices
  • Handling of invoice complaints
  • Regular contact with Hipp’s sales representatives, sharing information, assisting,  managing the administration

Who we are looking for:

  • Education
    Relevant profesisonal qualification  (BSc or MSc)
  • Most important skills
    Confident usage of Excel and Power Point
    Ability to communicate in English
    Ambition to develop sales skills
    Quick learner
    Team spirit
    Analytical and critical thinking
    Structured working
    Problem solving
    Interpersonal skills

What we can offer:

  • A challenging, demanding and varied job in a Germany based international but family owned company
  • A pleasant working environment
  • A human centric company culture, where work-life balanced is valued
  • A supporting, small but strong team
  • Strong commitment for sustainability and healthy living
  • Competitive salary
  • Appreciation of loyalty and commitment


Are you interested in the position? Then please send your application to  Hipp Hungary Kft, Human Resources: until the 20th of July 2024.
By forwarding the application the applicant agrees and consents with Hipp Hungary Kft's privacy satement.

Hanságligeten lévő üzemünkbe munkatársakat keresünk ELŐKÉSZÍTŐ munkakörbe


  • A nyersanyagok mérése és előkészítése receptúra szerint a vonatkozó szabályok betartásával.
  • A nyersanyagok válogatása a minőségre vonatkozó szabályok betartásával
  • Az előírt dokumentáció vezetése


  • Min. 8 általános iskolai végzettség  
  • 3 műszakos munkarend vállalása                                 
  • Precíz, önálló munkavégzés


  • Biztos, stabil munkahely, belépéstől határozatlan idejű munkaszerződés
  • Kulturált munkakörülmények
  • Emelt szintű műszakpótlék
  • SZÉP-kártya juttatás
  • Hűségprémium, év végi prémium
  • Ingyenes céges buszjárat Csorna-Bősárkány, valamint Mosonmagyaróvár-Jánossomorja vonalon
  • Munkábajárás költségének térítése


Jelentkezés Haszonits-Gecsei Nikolettánál telefonon (0620/529-63-25) vagy személyesen (Hipp Kft. 9167 Hanságliget, Hipp út 1.).